SimX is a CubeVue feature that produces Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs’ (DRR). DRRs are synthesized X-Ray views, digitally created from the original CT scan.
FDA Cleared; Investigational only and not available for clinical use in Europe, Australia, or Canada.
Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs (DRR) gives you all of your standard X-Ray views with one mouse click.
When used in place of standard radiograph exams, DRR saves a significant amount of operator time, resulting in faster throughput for busy practices.
Patient positioning and X-Ray tube adjustment make up the majority of a radiographic exam. With DRR, all views are created from the original 30-second CTscan; no patient repositioning is required.
In one study, LineUp saved a hospital 800+ hours of imaging time in one year.*
*Pedcat For 3d-Imaging in Standing Position Allows For More Accurate Bone Position (angle) Measuremant Than Radiographs or CT. Richter, M. Seidl, B. Zech, S. Hahn, S.

A Better X-Ray
- Accurate anatomic sizes and angles – no magnification nor distortion
- No patient/ X-Ray source position inaccuracies.
- Consistent, reproducible views for more accurate comparisons between pre and post-treatment exams.
Save Time
- Unlimited automatic views with one click
- Multiple oblique angles
- Specialized unobstructed views with subtracted anatomy
- Save X-Ray views to any desired location or send to a PACS server.